Lawton Chiles High School Go Timberwolves
AP Human Geography
  1. Unit 1 - World Religions & Ethical Systems
    1. World Religion Chart
  2. Unit 3 - An Age of Exchange and Encounter
    1. Ch 10 – The Rise of Islam
      1. Spread of Islam Map
      2. Five Pillars of Faith Foldable
      3. Islamic Achievement Foldable
    2. Ch 11 - Byzantines, Russians, & Turks
      1. Byzantine Empire Map
    3. Ch 12 - Empires in East Asia
      1. Japanese & European Feudalism
      2. Samurai Warrior
      3. Tokugawa Shogunate Case Study
    4. Ch 13 - European Middle Ages
      1. Acrostic Poem
    5. Ch 14 - The Formation of Western Europe
      1. 14.1 Crusader Magazine Activity
      2. 14 Point of View Handout (POV)
      3. 14.3 & 14.4 Timeline Activity
    6. Ch 15 – Societies and Empires of Africa
      1. Africa Title Page
      2. Africa Map
  3. Unit 4 - Connecting Hemispheres
    1. Ch 16 – People and Empires in the Americas
    2. Ch 17 – European Renaissance & Reformation
      1. Renaissance
        1. 17.1 & 2 Italian Renaissance Primary Source – Extra Credit!!
        2. 17.1 & 2 Renaissance Terms
        3. 17.1 Medici Video Questions
        4. 17.2 Sprite Chart
        5. Publishing a Historical Magazine
      2. Reformation
        1. 17.3 & 4 Reformation Terms
        2. 17.3 & 4 Concept Map
      3. Scientific Revolution
        1. 22.1 Scientific Revolution Terms
    3. Ch 19 – An Age of Exploration and Isolation
      1. Essential Vocabulary for Ch 19 & 20
      2. Explorer's Collage
    4. Ch 20 - The Atlantic World
      1. Columbian Exchange Map
  4. Unit 5 - Absolutism to Revolution
    1. Ch 21 – Absolute Monarchs in Europe
      1. Essential Vocabulary
      2. Age of Absolutism Assignment
      3. Annotated Resume
      4. Illustrated Timeline
    2. Ch 22 – Enlightenment and Revolution
      1. Essential Vocabulary
      2. Enlightenment Chart
      3. Test Study Guide
    3. Ch 23 – The French Revolution & Napoleon
      1. Reading Questions
      2. French Revolution Video Questions
    4. Ch 24 – Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West
      1. Revolution Chart
      2. Nationalism Study Guide
      3. Revolutions in Art
  5. Unit 6 - Industrialism and the Race for Empire
    1. Ch 25 – The Industrial Revolution
      1. Primary Source
    2. Ch 26 – An Age of Democracy and Progress
    3. Ch 27 – The Age of Imperialism
      1. Imperialism Map
      2. Scramble for Africa Worksheet
      3. African & Middle East Venn Diagram
      4. Big 10
    4. Ch 28 – Transformation Around the Globe
  6. Unit 7 - The World at War
    1. Ch 29 – The Great War
      1. Title page: WWI
      2. 29.3 WWI Postcard
      3. WWI Alliances
      4. WWI Technology & Casualties
      5. Chapter 29 Review
    2. Ch 30 - Revolution and Nationalism
      1. Deconstructed Essay
      2. Obituary Title Page
      3. Imperial China Collapses
      4. Nationalism in India & SE Asia
    3. Ch 31 – Years of Crisis
      1. 31.2 Great Depression Questionnaire
      2. 31.3 Fascism Rises in Europe
      3. 31.3 Terms & Comparison Chart
      4. TIME Title Page
    4. Ch 32 – World War II
      1. 32 Time Magazine Title Page
      2. 32 Terms and People
      3. 32.1 Hitler's Lightning War Wkst
      4. 32.2 Timeline for WWII
  7. Unit 8 - Perspectives on the Present
    1. Ch 33 - Restructuring the Postwar World
      1. 33.1 Cold War Survey
      2. 33.1 Terms & People
      3. 33.1 Reading Guide
      4. 33.2 Poster Project
      5. 33.4 Guided Reading
      6. 33.4 Timeline
      7. 33.5 Guided Reading
      8. Cold War Character Collage
    2. PhotoStory 3
      1. PS Procedures
      2. PS StoryBoard
    3. Ch 34 - The Colonies Become New Nations
      1. 34.4 Guided Reading
      2. Promises
      3. Middle East Map
    4. Ch 35 - Struggles for Democracy
      1. 35.3 Guided Reading
      2. Eurasia Map

Mrs. Nancy H. Watson
Room #9214
[email protected]
850-488-1756 ext. 376
© 2007-2022 Nancy H. Watson